Sunday, 16 January 2011 08:29

Hack Space - Maker Night - 19th January

Hack Space Are you interested in getting your hands on a laser-cutter? If demographics are correct then just under 50% of you have your hands in the air right now. Then you can head down to John Moores University this coming  Wednesday evening you may not get your hands on but you will learn how to use one.

Or you might want to learn about Arduinos', 3d printing, physical computing or all sorts of different things.


Over the past few weeks the The Liverpool Hack Space have been trying to come up with a new name while organising this Maker Night - so if you do along vote for my favourite which is Salon Plastique - Thank you. Ed.

Don't forget Maker Night is

19th January 2011

6.30 for a 7pm Start

At the Art and design Academey on Duckinfield Street.

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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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