Thursday, 29 August 2013 15:10

Health, Wellbeing and New Technology - Business Opportunities

thinking2013.120633ACME and the Kin network are running an event examining Independent Living Technology as Liverpool is seen a a leader within this field in the UK. The event will explore the range of software and hardware that promotes Health and Wellbeing and the opportunities it holds for Liverpool's creative and digital sector.

Chaired by a commissioner from Liverpool Council, Health, Wellbeing and New Technology invites you to join our panel in a discussion, about how Liverpool businesses can prosper by meeting the needs of this rapidly growing market (as well as the pitfalls along the way).

More names before the event, but so far the panel will include Citrus Suite discussing their own shift from games to health and Red Ninja and their journey from mobile entertainment to a cutting edge tablet project for a major housing association.

This session is for any business that sees health as part of their work or as a potential avenue to explore.

In response to the national attention Liverpool is getting because of the Mi - More Independent project, ACME/Liverpool Vision are working with partners to develop a 'cluster' in this area. This session is part of that support activity.

Thursday 12th September 2013
Baltic Creative Campus

Note: Panellists and attendees of this event are invited to stay for the kin social (which follows directly on 6.30pm-8.30pm). You will be asked when registering to indicate if you would like to attend the kin social.

Both events are free to attend but registration is required. Register here.

If you are a kin/acme member reading this, and you want to attend just the kin social - we'll be mailing you your invitation later!

Taken from the ACME Newsletter - Ed.

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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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