Sunday, 13 January 2013 09:51

Calling Makers, Artists, Communicators and Hackers!

fablabFull Circle Arts is teaming up with FabLab Manchester to develop and create something new.

Fancy playing around with cutting edge technology like 3D printers and laser cutters? Want to make a brand new product to benefit you and your communities?

Here's the plan.


To define and work together on appropriate projects which can be designed and made in FabLab Manchester.

Ideal projects would be focused on 'disability'.

Built on a budget using locally available materials.

Relevant and repeatable throughout the FabLab World network.

Stage 1 (2nd Feb.)

An initial session will assemble interested individuals from both organisations to orientate and call for project proposals. These interested individuals will be known as 'ambassadors'. The purpose of the initial session is to make this 'ambassador' group aware of FabLab's capabilities so that they can go and enthuse their networks to participate in the project.

Stage 2 (March)

A second session will assemble the 'ambassadors' to shortlist and select successful projects.

Stage 3 (March – June)

The third stage of the collaboration is to actually make the projects over the next 2 months following Stage 2. The makers will be drawn from FabLab volunteers and Full Circle Arts' connections.

Who we're looking for.

What would make a good Ambassador? Anyone with a love of making, hacking, designing or tinkering. Or anyone who works with disabled people or disability groups who would like to enthuse them to take part in the project by putting forward project ideas. We're aiming to develop the sort of projects where a simple, easy-to-replicate design problem can be solved through the power of collaborative working and with the resources of a FabLab, which can provide a cheap and replicable solution to a real need.

If you would like to see the facilities available for this project (as well as the Worldwide network of collaborators through FabLabs around the world), here's a link to FabLab Manchester:

Stage 1 in scheduled to take place on Saturday 2nd February.

If you'd like to get involved or know someone who would, please get in touch with Mari - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - by Friday 25th January.

We have a small pot of funds to cover expenses for those who want to become part of our 'ambassador' group.

N.B. Don't worry about "not being 'technical' enough"! All you need are the ideas and the willingness to try new things! :)

Source: Full Circle Arts

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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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